monthly library display themes

I havent done one of these in a while but there are two things going for it in my opinion. I also feel that this one works because it is slightly more subtle and allows the books to really jump out. Welcome your students back with a new library display 16 Dec, 2020 While many of us are winding down for the year, school library staff are already planning their exciting new library displays to welcome students back for 2021, especially those schools that have been in extended lock-down during 2020. Reading is so important in our lives and the lives of our children. International Dog Day is Monday, August 26 , Oh, thanks for catching that! Weslandia Contest! After, checking out your lensall I can say is WOW! January National Braille Literacy Month 1 - Copyright Law Day 2 - National Science Fiction Day 9-15 - Universal Letter Writing Week 11 - Poetry at Work Day 18 - Thesaurus Day 18 - Winnie the Pooh Day (birthday of author A.A. Milne) 19 - Edgar Allan Poe's birthday 23 - National Handwriting Day Washington, DC 20002-4201. Way to liven things up! Its a wonderful chance to connect with community members. Gather picture books, both fiction and nonfiction, which have pumpkins in the title or pictured on the front. Once a coworker had to go to lunch and asked me to finish. Eye-catching book arrangements will draw the interest of your students and might just hook your readers on a new book. Display them with hay bales, dried cornstalks, and, of course, pumpkins. :) i like the halloween display. January: New Year Celebrations Around the World! Some great book display ideas for libraries. :p. I especially like the One World Many Studies display. Happy Thanksgiving. The Franks were a Jewish family living in Germany, then Austria throughout Hitler's rise to power and during World War II. Libraries that feature books in displays help overcome that problem. Now I am not afraid to swim in the deep water. You can make table-top book displays and display individual books on the shelf near their normal shelving area, but it's good to have a big display in a prominent place in the library. The library is a growing organism: use displays to highlight new items, or showcase interesting library services like 3D printing to remind users of all we have to offer them. NATIONAL PIZZA MONTH - Display some pizza cookbooks, some Italian cookbooks and any fiction with pizza in the title, like Pete's a Pizza from the children's section. 2020. . In the U.S., May is National Pet Month so I put out a display with nonfiction pet books! Ultimately, the library wants to circulate books, encourage reading and connect with patrons. Ive designed, and continue to design many signs for public library displays. Thanks. | Karissa in the Library, Karissa Fast - Children and Teen Librarian, 10 Poems That Teenagers Might Actually Love. This is a treasure trove for librarians. GET READY FOR GARDENING (books on pruning, planning the vegetable garden, spring flowers, landscaping), APRIL SHOWERS - READ FOR HOURS (leisure reading of any kind), SHAPE UP FOR SUMMER (feature books on exercise, outdoor activities like biking, swimming, hiking), HAVE A HOPPY EASTER (use an Easter Bunny graphic and feature children's books on Easter, bunnies, chicks, Easter crafts and throw in some spring titles if you run low on the others), GET READY FOR EARTH DAY (show off books about conservation, ecology, green living, save the earth). December is Human Rights Month Ive done a successful display for that! "Kids are our future'. If a celebrity is in the news, put up an impromptu display about them and their career. February: Friendship March: Dr. Seuss April: Poetry May: Family Focus - Mothers June: Family Focus - Fathers July: Fourth of July/America A general winter display is always popular. 4) Enjoy! "Most importantly," writes the American Library Association (ALA), "libraries also connect communities to . ), GREAT CHRISTMAS BOOKS FOR KIDS (all the cute storybooks about the holiday, plus children's holiday nonfiction), HOMEMADE CHRISTMAS (fill this with all the Christmas craft books and ones on making gifts, check the woodworking, cookbooks and sewing sections for this too), MAKE A GIFT (variation on the Homemade Christmas display), ALL ABOUT SANTA (any story that includes Santa and nonfiction books about Santa). So much info that I can't process all of it. I have been in sooooo many libraries (I should be charged rent). Here is a suggested calendar of monthly themes, many of which align with national monthly celebrations. Awesome lens as usual. Thanks for your consideration! Promoting reading is essential and vallain has gone overboard in presenting a wealth of information on focusing attention of books all year round. Jbrary is a library of storytime resources for those of us working with children. NEW RELEASES BY WEEK. This set of 21 library display posters contains all you need to SAVE TIME and show off your school or public library's best books and themes for January. Thank you for sharing this lens. Alternate title: SCHOOL DAYS, CREATIVE COSTUMES (books on making costumes, include ones from the theater section and make-up area), SPOOKY READING (horror stories by authors like Stephen King, John Saul, etc., check for short stories too), HALLOWEEN IS COMING (include books on carving pumpkins, planning Halloween parties, decorating for Halloween, and setting up a haunted house), FALL READING (any fiction with autumn or fall in the title, you can mix in some harvest books on canning/jelly making, making scarecrows, New England foliage travel books or photo books), TEEN READ WEEK In mid-October. Create colorful and engaging bulletin boards in your elementary library and get your students, teachers, and staff involved with interactive elements. Includes editable readalike bookmarks. National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15- October 15) National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15- October 15) Osceola County Public Library (Poinciana Branch). Libraries continue to be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, with many still grappling with providing appropriate services or sometimes . Book displays - Eastern Kentucky University, Banned Books Week | Good Ideas from Vermont Public Libraries. Here is a quick list of library displays, divided by months! Virginia Allain (author) from Central Florida on January 22, 2013: @ericsdorsey: I'm sure many of the topics would work for bulletin boards too. Monthly Library Displays - A Celebration of Diversity by Patty Barfield | This newsletter was created with Smore, an online tool for creating beautiful newsletters for educators, nonprofits, businesses and more . I've included a bunch below with some general discussion around them. I was concerned when I made one called Books to Read if You Love Fortnite but I was pleasantly surprised with that one as well. stock the display with these), PLAN YOUR VACATION (travel tip books, destinations, traveling with children, pets, handicapped), LOOKING FORWARD TO SUMMER FUN (books on swimming, golf, nature, crafts, children's activities, and gardening if you don't have a separate display on that), NATIONAL HOME IMPROVEMENT MONTH (show off books on home repairs, decorating, decluttering, landscaping, home projects, adding storage), BOOKS TO MAKE YOU LOL (humorous stories or joke books), FRACTURED FAIRY TALES FOR GROWN-UPS (retellings of classic fairy tales in adult fiction), HOW DOES YOUR GARDEN GROW - (this can be vegetable and flower gardening), AFTER GRADUATION - (advice books for young adults on finding jobs, learning to budget, independent living), DADS ARE SPECIAL (books about fatherhood, biographies written about a dad, parenting books about being a good father), JUNE IS NATIONAL ROSE MONTH (books on growing roses and flower arranging, stretch it a little with fiction books with "rose" in the title), AUDIOBOOK MONTH (feature all your audiobooks), To capitalize on a big name author, have a display that changes each month. Definitely makes one more likely to pick up a book. This is why the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) established September as National Voter Registration Month in 2002 to . World Introvert Day - Showcase books about discovering yourself.. Earth's Rotation Day - Show off your space and Earth-themed books. This is why I had suggested a few books be included with your Spring display, since its a celebration set in the season of Spring. Very cool information. That is great that you have shared your knowledge of libraries. I'm thinking I should do something similar at my house for different seasons. Make sure you do this where no patrons will be aghast at the sight of their librarian burning a book and where you won't accidentally set a grass fire. It'll draw people into the library. Of course, the books listed here can be borrowed through interlibrary loan. Have a volunteer search the stacks and the catalog for these. Hello Lindsey, If you are interested, you can check out my books at saffronpress[dot]com The Garden of Peace is set amidst the historical backdrop of Vaisakh. If you have a handy volunteer in your Friends of the Library group, ask them to make the top part to put on one of your tables. CHOCOHOLICS (candy/fudge recipes, fiction books with chocolate in the title), Laura Ingalls Wilder's Birthday - February 7 - feature all the, WINTER READS (any books with snow in the title or in the cover design, COZY UP WITH A GOOD READ (fill a display with cozy mysteries or just make it a general fiction display) Show a book with a muffler wrapped around it and a warm stocking cap on or show a reader snugly reading in a comfy chair by the fireside. I remember when I was a kid and I always liked seeing the different displays in the library for the holidays and such. Visit us at the Roseland Regional Library . She was very proud of her own ideas for holiday displays, though, an' with good reason. Will certainly bookmark this ! You can put books between two bookends and place a small sign next to it. (History's great hoaxes and practical jokes) Women's History Month Anniversary of the Titanic Sinking Love 'em, love 'em, love 'em! CHRISTMAS STORIES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY (holiday stories for reading aloud, classics like The Christmas Carol, anthologies of Christmas stories and poems), CHRISTMAS DECORATING (making wreaths, lighting displays, decorating the tree, making ornaments, etc. 5 October - World Teachers' Day. There are some options listed on this calendar. Send me your link for a display or series of displays to be included in this listing. :) Enjoyed your lens! A tabletop can hold a quickie display for something that's in the news today or display books that aren't sufficient to fill a regular display case. Libraries are places that connect users to technology, computers, books, multimedia content, programs, ideas and classes. Today you're 8. I'll have to come back a few times, but definitely good information to consider. Pastor Cher from United States on September 06, 2012: Such a nice way to put things into words. Use library LEGOs to make your own creation based on a theme! Thanks for the link! Great lens. My wife is a teacher, great advice for her to use. Zip. Sept. 8: International Literacy Day. If the budget won't stretch to buy one of these, check with the Friends of the Library or a special donor. This one is also MARAVILLOSO! Ooooooooh I love books! Your displays are incredible! I fell asleep in Toronto's reference library (which is gorgeous) but most libraries I frequent with my daughter barely keep up with their displays. Dont forget Groundhog Day (Feb 2) and Irish Heritage Month in March, Thanks for the list. A never forgetting lens ,gives a very clear idea about book displays. Check out this list of monthly events and celebrations to help with your program planning. and of course Thank You for the great ideas. The 2022 theme for ISLM is " READING FOR GLOBAL PEACE AND HARMONY." So unfortunately things like National Donut Day didnt make the cut. Know of a celebration or event that is not on the list? What would you like to see added to this webpage? I think it was especially effective to feature ESL books prominently on the first floor, where library patrons could find them easily. Makes a very colorful display. In January I started working at a new library. St. John's Public Library in New Brunswick, Canada - The books are wrapped in plain brown paper with a short description written on it. take care. For example, October 14 National Dessert Day. Thank you for the ideas. The library is, and always has been, one of my favorite places in the world. Here are 10 ideas to help you celebrate School Library Month and connect with students, educators and parents: 1. I want to look for more ways to do that! Come and appreciate the style and craftsmanship of these beautiful works of fabric art. Did I miss any ideas your community loves? No offence, but I thought that librarians job is kind of boring. That really is important to a school. For things that change each year Ive given a range as I will likely forget to update this calendar each year. You may like to consider books about Vaisakhi during April, since this celebration ties well into a Spring display. sukkran trichy from Trichy/Tamil Nadu on February 21, 2011: movies, radios, televisions and other means of entertainment which also have some instructive value tend to decrease the importance of books and divert our attention from them. Without you I would still be floundering on the beach. Here's the email address: One of the libraries in the system where I work attends the large Viasakhi Parade every year. I hunt for ones that are reasonably flat for easy storage. (16) $10.00. Free Library Display Resources 3D Flower Bulletin Board Display Guess Who Children's Character Display Reading Gives You All the Feels Bulletin Board Display Spot the Difference Snowpeople Display New Year, New Books Bulletin Board Display New Year New Goals Adult Non-Fiction Book Bin Display Romancewith a twist I Read Canadian Day What's Cooking? Phone. It's really great. And Im adding in Human Rights Month under December good one! Use your plexiglass sign stand to put your sign in and presto, instant display. Bookmarks are editable in PPT, PDF, and Google Slides.Save 20% when you buy the full-year bundle! There's a lot going on this February for school libraries everywhere, with plenty to celebrate for Library Lovers' Month. Thankyou so much for sharing! Thanks for making me a part of it. Kirkus Reviews' 10 Fun Summer Books With Black Protagonists. I spent fifteen years of my library career in Baltimore County Public Library. This will open a PDF. This is a really neat lens! I may have to steal National Pet Month such a great way to get those pet books circing. With this as a starter it doesnt seem so daunting. Awesome. I often get frustrated in libraries by poor book displays. FALL PLEASURES (show off any pretty books about autumn, New England fall travel, pumpkins, apple cider), TIME FOR A MAKEOVER (this can be home makeovers, home staging, life makeovers, plastic surgery, weight loss), THINGS TO BE THANKFUL FOR (display feel-good books on family, pets, etc.

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monthly library display themes

monthly library display themes

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