the tendency to favor one's own group quizlet

This belief best illustrates: While visiting the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp shortly after World War II, one German civilian is said to have remarked, "What terrible criminals these prisoners must have been to receive such treatment." This episode provides an example of, A business leader who welcomes a variety of opinions from subordinates and invites experts' critiques of her company's developing plans is most likely to inhibit. These groups could be formed by gender, race, ethnicity, or a favorite sports team. a. cognitive dissonance. In-group favoritism is an ambiguous form of bias because it disfavors the outgroup by exclusion. Conserves physiological arousal and excitement. Then create a word search puzzle using the sentences-without the word as clues. C) a perceived incompatibility of actions or goals. Idea that individuals pair up into relationships with people who are similar to their level of physical attraction. Historical examples abound. These small interactions can have devastating effects on the hopeful interviewees ability to perform well (Word, Zanna, & Cooper, 1974). Liking yourself and the groups to which you belong is natural. Women are in poverty and are uneducated more. In D. T. Gilbert, S. T. Fiske, & G. Lindzey (Eds.). What roles do the evoked set, inert set, and inept set take part in a consumer's information search? an unjustifiable (and usually negative) attitude toward a group and its members. For example, ethnic Asians living in the United States are commonly referred to as the model minority because of their perceived success in areas such as education, income, and social stability. People have always and still do openly dehumanize outgroup members and harbor hostile attitudes toward them. c. deindividuation. People naturally create mental categories. Developed Social Learning Theory, where children learn through watching AND imitating actions. Both believe that the members of their own political party are more fair-minded and trustworthy than members of any other party. What is the correct present tense conjugation of the verb? Busca trabajos relacionados con All of the following are examples of measures of central tendency except o contrata en el mercado de freelancing ms grande del mundo con ms de 22m de trabajos. A confirmation bias is cognitive bias that favors information that confirms your previously existing beliefs or biases. Instead, it measures how quickly people make judgments about the goodness or badness of various groups. This best illustrates, Montel, a White university student, is on academic probation for poor grades. By contrast, those high in RWA may equally dislike the outgroup member moving into the neighborhood but for different reasons. The theory that we act to reduce the discomfort (dissonance) we feel when two of our thoughts (cognition) are inconsistent. These four kinds of stereotypes and their associated emotional prejudices (see Figure 2) occur all over the world and apply to each societys own groups. unconsciously mimicking others expressions, postures, and voice tones to help us feel what they are feeling, tendency to believe that something is true simply because it has been repeated many times, the tendency for people to take personal credit for success but blame failure on external factors. Social identity is a person's sense of who they are based on their group membership (s). After discussing why each of them believes this to be so, they all conclude that Ms. Akey is definitely a much better teacher than Mr. Schwenke. This reaction is best explained in terms of. The tendency for observers, when analyzing another's behavior, to underestimate the impact of the situation and to overestimate the . The results from research using the IAT are consistent with social identity theory. For example, by crediting the ingroup for its successes, while blaming external factors for its failures. According to Gallup's polling . Specifically, people see members of an outgroup as more similar to one another in personality than they actually are. nearness; the greater the exposure one has to another person, the more one generally comes to like that person. Plan a vacation in Switzerland that centers around its natural landscape. The loss of self-awareness and self-restraint occurring in group situations that foster arousal and anonymity. Three pathways by which self-concept can shape how we communicate are self-esteem, self-monitoring, and Multiple Choice self-serving bias. The enhancement of a group's prevailing inclinations through group discussion is called, Nora, Ko, Ian, and May each think that Ms. Akey may be a slightly better teacher than Mr. Schwenke. An increase in ________ has been followed by more positive attitudes between South African Whites and Blacks. Which branch of psychology is most connected with the study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another, Attribution theory was designed to account for, Ksana insists that her boyfriends car accident resulted form his carelessness. Being aware of our own tendency to fixate on the negative is also important. Verbal behavior intended to hurt another person is an example of: People who score high on SDO believe that some groups are inherently better than others, and because of this, there is no such thing as group equality. At the same time, though, SDO is not just about being personally dominant and controlling of others; SDO describes a preferred arrangement of groups with some on top (preferably onesown group) and some on the bottom. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like True or false: Prejudice definitions can include positive or negative judgments., Prejudice is having a negative attitude toward groups or individuals, whereas _____ is when those attitudes turn into behaviors toward the group or individual., In the context of the world, every race is a: and more. Research on the biology of aggression has clearly demonstrated that: (Fiske, Cuddy, & Glick, 2007). A generalized (sometimes accurate, but often overgeneralized) belief about a group of people. b. the just-world phenomenon. Thus, those high inSDO see groups as battling each other for these resources, with winners at the top of the social hierarchy and losers at the bottom (see Table 1). When 12-year-old Jamilah saw an old man lying on the sidewalk, he prepared to offer help. This is the term that refers to a positive attitude . For instance, Margaret might not be typical (or stereotypical) of an 80-year-old in that she regularly competes in organized half-marathons. CHAPTER 12: CULTURE Multiple Choice 1. Twenty Wallonians were arrested for nonviolent crimes, whereas 20 Pireaneans were arrested for violent crimes. A., & Mellott, D. S. (2002). Receives a utility bill on July 2 totaling $4,560 for services received during June. They are automatic, ambiguous, and ambivalent, but nonetheless biased, unfair, and disrespectful to a belief in equality. Groupthink: . Prejudice. d. women tend to share similar attitudes about sex. Take the IAT. B) Having the belief in the superiority of one's own ethnic group. Ingroup bias, or ingroup favoritism, is a bias in which people tend to favor people who exist in similar groups as them. scapegoat theory: the theory that prejudice offers an outlet for anger by providing someone to blame. The larger issue, however, is that own-group preference often results in liking other groups less. The tendency for people to believe the world is Just and that people therefore get what they deserve and deserve what they get. 30. Right-wing authoritarianism, left-wing authoritarianism, and pandemic-mitigation authoritarianism. The phrase "not in my backyard," shortened to "NIMBY," seems to have appeared first in the mid-1970s. It was used in the context of the last major effort by electric utilities . How can people learn to get along with people who seem different from them? Indicators of aversive racism correlate with discriminatory behavior, despite being the ambiguous result of good intentions gone bad. Within the realm of personality psychology, the false-consensus effect does not have significant effects.This is because the false-consensus effect relies heavily on the social environment and how a person interprets this environment. This way of perceiving and making . This means, potentially, that there is left-wing authoritarianism that promotes conventional progressive values and seeks to silence dissenting voices (Manson, 2020). These maps of the group terrain predict specific types of discrimination for specific kinds of groups. That said, the targets of bias sometimes shift across time. For example, the ingroup in most societies is the average citizen, seen as warm and competent. We commonly say that we should not label others but we cannot help but do so. Es gratis registrarse y presentar tus propuestas laborales. to have power or mastery over. Scapegoat Theory: . Joie, age 19, is a Black female university sophomore. b. the mere exposure effect. a. human aggression is an unlearned instinct. After three months of riding the 8:30 bus to work, Cindy has actually started to feel affection for the gruff and scowling old bus driver. c. They have relatively low levels of serotonin and low levels of testosterone. Question 1 2 out of 2 points A tendency to favor one's own group is called: Selected Answer: Response Feedback: ingroup bias. For example, when our awareness of our attitudes and of our actions clash, we can reduce the resulting discomfort by changing our attitudes. Social trap where 2 prisoners are separated and have to consider the impacts of cooperating with their partner or competing to get the first confession. D) the enhancement of a group's prevailing attitudes through group discussion. Mutual views often held by conflicting people, as when each side sees itself as ethical and peaceful and views the other side as evil and aggressive. The tendency to favor one's own ethnic group over other groups is called. "Us"people with whom we share a common identity. How often do you hear people criticizing groups without knowing anything about them? Boy scout experiment- created conflict and then used superordinate goals to override it, woman whose murder in front of witnesses led to research on bystander effect, Los Infinitivos -AR de Descubre 1: Parte 1, Los Infinitivos -AR de Descubre 1: Parte 2, 01: History of PsychPeople (Unit 1 Review), Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Timothy D. Wilson. In terms of basic social categories, the members of Nestor's cross-country ski club are the _____ and the members of the downhill ski club are the _____. The tendency to favor ones own cultural group over other groups is known as A) elitism . Membership. Unfortunately, problems can also arise from our tendency to categorize. Being audience-centered means a speaker must sacrifice what she or he really believes to get a favorable response from . Such a question would be preposterous if you were only surrounded by members of your own group. Do you know more people from different kinds of social groups than your parents did? jamie watson voice actor; is matt manning related to peyton manning; men's patchwork jeans; Published by on 17. c. Conflict Model: Je vais visiter\ldots Je vais voir\ldots Je vais (faire)\ldots, Search words: une histoire d'eau Tajfel (1979) proposed that the groups (e.g. ____________ can be defined as any physical or verbal behavior that is intended to hurt or destroy. b. the foot-in-the-door-phenomenon. The scientific study of how we think about, influence, and relate to one another. Finally, the tendency to categorize can be associated with discrimination. Devine and her colleagues (2005) note that automatic prejudices subside when ________. Social dominance orientation (SDO) describes a belief that group hierarchies are inevitable in all societies and are even a good idea to maintain order and stability (Sidanius & Pratto, 1999). Like most students in her school, she believes that Carson Elementary School is the best school in town. d. oxytocin. Altemeyer, B. divided her class into blue eyes and brown eyes to teach her kids about discrimination. triangular theory of love. Representativeness Heuristic The tendency to make judgments about group membership based on physical appearances or the match between a person and one's stereotype of a group rather than on available base rate information. C) a perceived incompatibility of actions or goals. Only when research participants were informed that a woman was raped did they perceive the woman's behavior as inviting rape. This statement best reflects the: Victoria is a fifth grader in Carson Elementary School. Intergroup bias. Mr. Wong, a high school teacher, tells his class that he thinks boys tend to be less anxious and, thus, give better speeches than girls. Notably, the combination of high RWA and high SDO predicts joining hate groups that openly endorse aggression against minority groups, immigrants, homosexuals, and believers in non-dominant religions (Altemeyer, 2004). Despite its name, though, RWA is not necessarily limited to people on the right (conservatives). Also called the cross-race effect and the own-race bias, The tendency for people to believe the world is just and that people therefore get what they deserve and deserve what they get. frustration-aggression principle., The tendency to favor one's own group, the group with whom we share a common identity, is called: a. a social trap. The scientific study of how we think about, influence, and relate to one another. Overgeneralized beliefs about a group of people that often underlie prejudicial emotions are called, Studies of implicit attitudes indicate that prejudice is often, Prejudice can be not only subtle but also automatic and unconscious. Whenever this person encounters a person that is both left-handed and creative, they place greater . If people hold a negative view of Margaret because they hold negative views about older adults in general, this is prejudice. Some of the jurors commented on the rape victim's history of going out to various bars and they said she had been dressed too provocatively; in other words, "looking like that," she had asked to be assaulted. c. frontal lobes (b) Find the partial derivatives of the demand functions w.r.t. They have relatively low levels of serotonin and high levels of testosterone. The IAT is sensitive to very slight hesitations that result from having automatic or unconscious biases. This is best illustrated in studies of, Prejudice is most likely to develop as a way of justifying, Most children believe their school is better than the other schools in town. Make a truth table for the below given statement. Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) is sometimes called the ________ gene. a. What is a FALSE statement regarding the research on microaggressions. Manson, J. H. (2020). Explaining behaviors based on outside factors influencing and individual. In individualistic cultures, what is NOT one of the four beliefs that parents have identified as necessary for adolescent autonomy? 3. a. warrior d. aggression. The enhancement of a group's prevailing inclinations through discussion within the group: Term. c. romantic love The frustration-aggression principle most clearly applies to individuals with higher-than-average levels of: In the United States, for instance, waves of new immigrants such as Chinese people, Irish people, and Italians, were met with open hostility, with attitudes often shifting to the most recent group of immigrants. the preference for order, clarity, and conventional values) and conservative beliefs. His reaction most clearly illustrates one of the dynamics involved in, An expectation that people will help those who depend on them is known as the, Two conflicting groups who share the same negative views of one another demonstrate. We identify o we compare ingroup bias o tendency to. In the context of distinctiveness, you are most likely to introduce your roommate to your friends as: When the British made a group of German civilians walk through a concentration camp at the close of World War II, one German responded: "What terrible criminals these prisoners must have been to receive such treatment." After meeting Kim, who has a 4.0 GPA and volunteers 20 hours each week to help disabled children, Beth says "Well, Kim is an exception to the rule." just-world phenomenon Bodenhausen, G. V., & Peery, D. (2009). Refusing to hire qualified job applicants because of the color of their skin is to engage in: Nestor belongs to the cross-country ski club at his college but is not a member of the downhill ski club. C) Having an unreasonable fear of those who are different from you. Discrimination and the implicit association test. Because the attributes of group categories can be either good or bad, we tend to favor the groups with people like us and incidentally disfavor the others. 6. the tendency to favor our own group: scapegoat theory: the theory that prejudice offers an outlet for anger by providing someone to blame: other-race effect: the tendency to recall faces of one's own race more accurately than faces of other races. Consequently, because of the absence of genuine feedback, Yosef is not able to progress like other trainees. "teachers" actually seemed to enjoy shocking the "learners.". They are Canadian, or fans of Manchester United, or are doctors. b. prejudice. d. ingroup bias., Kelly is a Republican and Carlos is a Democrat. In the abstract these mental maps can help us understand how to interact with new people based on educated guesses about their category. The tendency to see the beliefs, values, and customs of one's own culture or group as "right" or "natural" is called a. ethnicity. When are petty cash expenses recognized (at the time of establishment, reimbursement, or replenishment)? Measuring individual differences in implicit cognition: The implicit association test. Unselfish regard for the welfare of others. 2022. c. more; more a motivation to have one's group dominate other social groups. (Check the elasticity of px(p,m)p x^*(p, m)px(p,m) w.r.t. Brewer, M. B., & Brown, R. J. Common stereotypes of people from all sorts of categories and occupations turn out to classify them along these two dimensions (see Figure 1). An understood rule for accepted and expected behavior. d. deindividuation. As a result, outgroup disliking stems from this in-group liking (Brewer & Brown, 1998). The tendency to recall faces of one's own race more accurately than faces of other races. The tenency to favor our own group: Term. Highly dominating, highly authoritarian personalities. Psychology questions and answers. Today, many nations have equality clearly articulated in their constitutions. An unjustifiable attitude toward a group and its members. Just ask yourself if youve ever been asked, What are you? This question is frequently asked to people about their ethnicity, national origin, gender identity, religion, and other group affiliations. (1998). Answer 23:- Ethnocentrism is the tendency to view one's own cultu . The girls are reacting to: Your new roommate is from Ireland. For example, rich people are often viewed as competent but cold. This is an example of: individuals sometimes perform poorly when apprehensive about being stereotyped. Stereotypes and prejudice: Their automatic and controlled components. For example, a person might not have ever been to a Hindu wedding, but their experience of weddings as a general category can help them know what to expect and how to behave. People who score higher on the scale show more ingroup favoritism in comparison with those who score lower on it (Stangor & Thompson, 2002). QUESTION 23 The tendency to apply one's own cultural values in judging the behavior and beliefs of people raised in other cultures is known as cultural relativism cultural universalism ethnocentrism egocentrism QUESTION 24 Foraging societies practice what . Unjustified negative action towards a member of a group because they belong to that group. b. exposing them to adult models of aggression. b. egocentrism.c. They are excited on the morning of the competition because they both believe that their team is going to win since they are the better team. Even ordinary people, without any particular hostility, can become agents in a destructive process. Identities are not so simple, but maybe as the 21st century unfurls, we will recognize each other by the content of our individual character instead of against the backdrop of stereotypes. 1. This experiment was designed to study the factors that contribute to, The affectionate attachment that keeps a relationship going after passionate feelings cool is known as, Natasha and Dimitri have a fulfilling marital relationship because they readily confide their deepest hopes and fears to each other. On April 30, 2016, the petty cash fund contained vouchers totaling$171.40 plus $26.10 of currency. B) the tendency to overestimate the impact of personal dispositions on another's behavior. At its heart, SDO rests on a fundamental belief that the world is tough and competitive with only a limited number of resources. A) the tendency to favor members of one's own group. This comment is an example of: Describing positive behaviors by an ingroup member in terms of his or her general disposition, but describing the same behavior by an outgroup member as a specific, isolated act reflects: Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Timothy D. Wilson, iGCSE PE 10.1 Leisure and Recreation / The Gr. We group household objects together as furniture, certain domestic animals as pets, and certain books as classics. Categories are helpful because they provide a mental roadmap for how to interact in novel situations. a. self-fulfilling. Which of the following statements is likely to be true of Bill? It might be easy to dismiss the IAT findings of the all-too-human tendency toward faster, more favorable processing of ones own group. The phenomenon that repeated exposure to novel stimuli increases liking of them. One aggression-replacement program has brought down re-arrest rates of juvenile offenders by: "Oh, no, never," the woman said. the tendency to favor our own group. We might feel affinity toward people from our home town, a connection with those who attend our university, or commiserate with the experience of people who share our gender identity, religion, or ethnicity. Word, C. O., Zanna, M. P., & Cooper, J. 33. This finding is an example of: In Europe, prejudice is often greater among those whose positive self-image is threatened. In the context of the relationship between religion and racial prejudice, if one defines religiousness as . A) lack of critical thinking due to a strong desire for social harmony within a group. Sun Microsystems uses the accrual basis of accounting and recognizes revenue at the time it sells goods or renders services. Explaining behaviors based on a person's characteristics; traits, maturity, etc. You are Black, and you have difficulty recognizing the White customers who were in your store during a robbery. ethnocentrism . Discrimination is a behavior bias against a person (or group) based on stereotyped beliefs about that group. What Cindy's reaction best illustrates, People's physical attractiveness is unrelated to their, In an experiment by Dutton and Aron, one group of men were asked by an attractive woman to complete a short questionnaire immediately after they had crossed a swaying footbridge suspended 230 feet above the Capilano River. They have been chosen for their school team to participate in a math competition against other local schools. (Social) unjustifiable negative behavior toward a group and its members. People are often biased against others outside of their own social group, showing prejudice (emotional bias), stereotypes (cognitive bias), and discrimination (behavioral bias). Distinguish prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination. The theory that we explain someone's behavior by crediting either the situation (external) or the person's disposition (internal). Weddings are generally happy occasions (it is more appropriate to say congratulations than I am so sorry), they are formal affairs (people typically dress up), and they usually include food (you dont need to stop and eat before attending the wedding). NIMBY, also spelled Nimby, in full Not in My Backyard or Not in My Backyard Phenomenon, a colloquialism signifying one's opposition to the locating of something considered undesirable in one's neighborhood. Hanna is a supervisor in the production unit of a textile company. Compared with nonplayers, people with extensive exposure to violent video gaming display ________ desensitization to violence, and they are ________ likely to help an injured victim. b. less; more a. amygdala _____ refers to the tendency to view the world through one's own cultural filters.a) Conservatism b) Relativism c) Ethnocentrism d) Ableism ANS: c A-head: Culture and Intergroup Relations REF: 363 Feedback: Ethnocentrism is the tendency to view the world through one's own cultural filters. In general, those high in SDO have a strong belief in work ethicthat hard work always pays off and leisure is a waste of time. The dislike originates from each classs favoritism toward itself and the fact that only one group can play on the soccer field at a time. ppp and mmm, and check their signs. c. young adults tend to prefer the same kinds of music. Similarly, Ecuador guarantees the fundamental right to sexual orientation and gender identity. Dovidio, J. F., & Gaertner, S. L. (2010). The tendency to recall faces of one's own face more accurately than faces of other races. B) ingroup bias. This might remind you of self-determination theory, with its focus on autonomy, relatedness, and competence. ________ is a tendency to favor one's own group. After Manny's father refused to let him use the family car on Friday night, Manny let all the air out of the tires. Returning to an example from earlier, the homeowner high in SDO may dislike the outgroup member moving into her neighborhood because it threatens ones economic resources (e.g. It's awful what the human race can do, even with the way we . Right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) is an ideology that emphasizes conformity or obedience to authority (Altemeyer, 1988). HLT 1353. chapter_12_answers - CHAPTER 12: CULTURE Multiple Choice 1. It generally involves stereotyped beliefs, negative feelings, and a predisposition to discriminatory action. 3. a special and definite purpose in a novel or other literary work. Reduction in feelings of personal burden in the presence of others. Adjusting one's behavior or thinking to coincide with a group standard. According to Lyons et al. This experiment best illustrated the impact of, The discomfort we feel when 2 thoughts are inconsistent is called, Unconsciously mimicking those around us is known as the, We tend to feel cheerful around happy people and sad around depressed people. Explanation: It is not true that narcissism is the tendency to view one's own culture or group as superior to others. which people belonged to were an important source of pride and self-esteem. Its not that the person high in SDO wants to control what this outgroup member does; its that moving into this nice neighborhood disrupts the social hierarchy the person high in SDO believes in (i.e. d. less; less, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. However, to justify preferential treatment, people often exaggerate the differences between their in-group and an outgroup. Today, there is a greater appreciation of the fact that not all biases are overt hostility based on a personal animosity toward members of a group. What is faithful representation, and why is it important. A situation in which the conflicting parties, by each rationally pursuing their self-interest, become caught in mutually destructive behavior. Greenwald, A. G., Banaji, M. R., Rudman, L. A., Farnham, S. D., Nosek, B. B) an unjustifiable attitude toward a group and its members. For example, if two classes of children want to play on the same soccer field, the classes will come to dislike . B) an unjustifiable attitude toward a group and its members. Ingroup favoritismthe tendency to favor members of one's own group over those in other groupsis well documented, but the mechanisms driving this behavior are not well understood. We identify o We compare Ingroup bias o Tendency to favor ones own group o. Although research has shown that people higher in SDO are more likely to be politically conservative, there are other traits that more strongly predict ones SDO.

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the tendency to favor one's own group quizlet

the tendency to favor one's own group quizlet

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